Art & Yoga Retreats
Explore Your Inner Self Using the Five Senses
The Light Centre at Mangreen is a beautifully, serene place where we will lead you to explore and open yourself up in a positive, nourishing and supportive environment.
This one day retreat has been created to facilitate the exploration of your ‘Inner Self’ through the use of the Five Senses: The aim is to delve deep and explore the inner self, by tapping into your inner guidance, trusting what it brings for you to move forward in your life journey. The journey begins with intention setting and clearing any blockages or negative energy around each main chakra(major energy centers in the body).
* TOUCH: Yoga practice with an emphasis on trust and support through movement, holding in kindness and respect, No previous experience of yoga is required.
A Cacao(raw chocolate) Ceremony using 100% pure cacao prepared as a drink to journey into the silence through a guided meditation. The benefits of cacao as a plant medicine are numerable such as: Lowering and balancing blood sugar levels, lowering blood pressure, reducing mental fatigue, aids the detoxing process of the body, increasing airflow in the lungs, a natural ant-inflammatory, triggering the release of dopamine, endorphine, theobromine (our natural happy pills)
Bring a pen and notebook to record your thoughts and feelings.
Sound Bath using a variety of singing and crystal bowls, chimes and drums to enable a deeply meditative journey and relaxing state of self-discovery. Sound and vibration travels up to five times more effectively through water. As the human body is made up of over 70% water, sound and vibration can affect us at a cellular level.
A hand massage with DoTerra essential oils for upliftment. These oils are of the highest pure grade and will be a pleasure to experience if you have never encountered them before. You will also be guided on how to use essential oils to support your mood and upliftment.
*SIGHT: Produce a piece of art work using colour to connect with your affirmations and guidance. Colour is strongly linked to our emotional body and we will explore how this happens. Your art work will then act as a reminder of the special day to take away with you.
No experience is necessary and all supplies and materials will be provided.
Mid morning break with tea and/or a reflective walk in the well kept gardens to explore the stone circle and ancient tree.
A lovely vegetarian/vegan lunch included at Mangreen Country House. All dietary needs catered for.
Here is what a couple of participants said of their experience at the last retreat:
"It was such a great day of gentle self discovery, challenging one's comfort zone and leaning in to yourself with lovely like minded yogis and a fabulous teacher to guide us through our journey. I drove home feeling a bit lighter and smiling, keen to carry on with the healthy mindset suggestions." K.Glithro
"There was a real spiritual feel there. Magical x........ Loved the buddy yoga and made a new friend too." W.Woolnough
Only 12 spaces available!
To book it and pay online click here