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Imbolc -Planting Creative Seeds - allowing them to grow


As the Earth begins to gently shine her light. We are reminded of the connectedness we hold to her cycles and gifts.

Imbolc is a beautiful moment to stop and reflect on these gifts & use them to gently shift intentions and dreams.

In Celtic tradition, Imbolc is a celebration of light and the first spark of spring. It is a  whisper of warmer weather and an ember of hope in the darkness of winter.

I’ mbolc meaning in the belly. Refers to the first stirrings of new life in the belly of our blessed Mother Earth.

Dating back to pre Christian times it was a celebration of Brigid, the goddess of fertility, craft, poetry & healing.

We often associate fire & the sun to this rebirth of nature. And the beautiful signs of rebirth and new life through the snowdrops, crocuses, hellebore in the ground.

From seed to plant there is a knowing of what you are meant to be. Cracking upwards and downwards through the earth this feels deep but also a growth towards the Light.

And in order to grow and emerge there may be some resistance.

This permeable shell of the former. Hold yourself here with compassion, gentleness and patience. Await that these spikes soften and draw new growth.

Chiaro scuro- the shadow acts as a way to show your true light.

Brigid has a pure bright heart that she can illuminate the darkest of inkiest blacks in the darkest of nights. Show gratitude & ask her to bless our creative inspirations with new possibilities. Welcome her Graceful guidance into our healing hearts.

Here are some beautiful rituals you can do to draw this energy & use it positively.

  1. Connect to nature - in daylight hours get yourself outside in nature immerse yourself in the beauty of all around you.

  2. Collect elements of nature to bring inside to remind you of the beauty of the small things - the feathers,rocks, flowers and leaves

  3. Start to make a list of goals and intentions. Beginning to grow and blossom with the coming Spring

  4. Spring clean - declutter your home. Open the windows and let some fresh air in to purify & welcome new energy.

  5. Feast on seasonal foods like roots and dark greens. Good for the body, good for the soul.

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