I am a curious soul by nature & feel illuminated when confronted by a new subject whether that is wildlife, colour, surface, technique or human connection.
I feel the gentle pull of excitement on the inside of my tummy and as the ideas move up my body and into my mind I often feel the call to share these sensations.
This to me is what teaching is .
An idea, a pull towards that, an exploration and research of that idea and an expansion to make it surface.
My teaching sessions change by topic termly ( never one to stick to one thing - life is too exciting for that ) as I grow as a human.
Teaching is not only about sharing information and knowledge it is about those quiet moments in between and helping others find those repose times. It is in those places that we find key solutions to many things, so the creativity is a pathway to inform and a flowing river that doesn’t end. It’s a moment for renewal, reinvention & gentle persuasion.